Chix created the wine parlour in 2011. I remember how excited we were to be painting the walls and helping to build the shelves that would house our wines. The bar was ground breaking at the time. It broke all the rules, was in the wrong place, and had very limited funding. It had love, passion and total commitment which ultimately won the day.
It became recognised as ‘the’ place for a good glass of wine in Brixton and on a Friday or Saturday night, the atmosphere was intimate, cozy, warm, and so welcoming – if we had space.
Those years were an adventure. We saw all the changes in Brixton and all the challenges those brought for the local community. We opened bars, closed bars, ran a wine school, created a wine festival, hired people who would be friends for life, changed the way our customers thought about wine, navigated our way through the pandemic, learnt so much about wine and a little bit about life, picked up some good stories to tell, and closed for the final time in December 2022.
COMING SOON! The Wine Parlour 2.0
We are relaunching The Wine Parlour, as a bottle shop in Norwich. In conjunction with this, we will offer a range of marketing consultancy services for hospitality businesses, wine regions, and wine brands looking to find their niche in the UK.