You may have noticed some improvements to my web-site over the last few days. Over the last few months I have been learning lots about building a wider network of business contacts through using tools like twitter and linked in, along side more conventional ways of networking such as attending “Network Norfolk” and “The Norwich Business Group”.
It seems to me that more and more people start their search for both products and services on the web so clearly it is essential to be there. The real skill however, as with any media channel, remains to convert a large network or internet presence into tangible business.
Over the next few months I am going to be experimenting with some other tools to build my business, including Facebook, Digit, and trialling some PPC activity as I received a free £30 voucher from Google! Don’t forget if you want to see my latest news, special offers of marketing & business support for your business, and my latest thoughts about norwich business services, follow me on Twitter or join my Linkedin Network! Watch this space!!